czwartek, 21 marca 2013

Toyota's fate hangs in the balance

           For a few days after the sunny afternoon work session I was feeling so uneasy, a little absent not knowing really why. Then it came to me very clearly. I realized that this suspension state was a result of my unconscious fear related to the outcome of the technical validation I was about to undertake. Despite my optimistic nature I was fully aware that Toyota could not obtain a passing grade, but I was fed up with all the waiting and doing nothing so I decided to make hay while the sun shines not wasting more time. I wanted a clear answer so as to how far I need to go in order to meet all the technical requirements to fully enjoy the ownership of the car! On the Internet I found a page describing all the parts that the diagnosticians usually check. It was in Polish, so pasting here the link would have been pointless :-). Below you will find the main points and my subjective grade of each element.
1. confirmation of the data included in the car's registration document: VIN number, chassis number, engine number, etc. [OK]
2. possession of warning triangle and fire extinguisher. [OK]
3. condition of license plates and all other car's markers e.g. control label [OK]
4. conditions of the tires and tire pressure. [OK]
5. condition of the lights: their performance, location, number, etc. [OK - probable problems with the rear fog light]
6. condition and performance of the braking system. [OK in general, but the technical validation will verify that]
7. condition and performance of  steering. [OK in general, but the technical validation will verify that]
8. condition of the chassis. shock absorbers and equalizer springs. [the biggest unknown]
9. condition and performance of the transmission system. [OK in general, but the technical validation will verify that]
10. condition of the bumpers. [perfect :-)]
11. condition of the fuel tank together with the tubing. [OK]
12. condition of the electrical installation: battery, cables, electrical devices, etc. [OK]
13. condition of the body including mirrors, glasses, windscreen wipers, washer, seat belts and speedometer. [someone overzealous could find something]
14. level of noise. [I have conerns]
15. pollution emission. [I was not able to check it :-)]
16. leakage of fluids. [no signs]

           Based on the list I estimated the stage of my preparations. Taking into account the elements I was able to check I didn't foresee any problems. I drove around my neighbourhood and as usual I was only concerned about the noise coming from the exhaust as it was drawing attention to the car. I was not used to driving a vintage car and my current car is very quiet, so I didn't really know whether that was something normal or not. Thus, I asked Mr. Bohdan to do me the kindness of driving my KE30 for a while. After finishing the ride he stated that according to him the car in general should pass the technical validation, but the only uncertainty was related to the condition of the bottom of Toyota. In that case, there was nothing else left to do than to go and find out how the reality looks like. Stay tuned as this will happen in next post!

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